Cultural day
Cultural day………. Igba NKWU…
Cultural day
Our culture, our heritage, our way of LIFE…. Breaking of kolanut is an important part of the igbo culture, it is our way of welcoming strangers in any traditional ceremony.
Our Ballerinas!!! Ballet, one of the first genres of dance, is the basis of most other genres of dance. Through ballet education, children learn to imitate, follow directions, remember steps, understand patterns and associate movement with emotional expression.
This class has supported the creativity, socialization and physical co-ordination of our kids. Ballerinas are often referred to as ‘Graceful dancers’ so, we are glad to inform the general public that we have lots of graceful dancers here at Prime Academy Enugu.
Teachers are Builders
Imagine a society without teachers…… in fact, do not imagine that. Without teachers, no doctors, no scientist, no accountant, no pharmacist. Today, we want to appreciate all teachers all over the world, we are especially thankful for our dedicated, selfless and wonderful teachers at #primeacademyenugu. Keep doing the good work!!